An adult woman and a school-aged boy exchange a high-five in an office environment.

What occurs during the 1st new patient evaluation appointment?

The intake session provides an opportunity to gather background information (emotional, medical, academic, social, and family history), discuss treatment goals and how those might be achieved, observe and interact with the client and their parents to build rapport, and talk about various examples of the concerns being reported and how they are impacting the child’s […]

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A parent looks through her teen daughter's door. The teen faces away, looking sullen.

How do I talk to my child about going to therapy?

Sometimes kids/teens are unclear about why they need to see a therapist, or they flat out disagree with parent concerns. We encourage parents to be open with their children about their concerns and not surprise them news of the appointment at the last minute. It is OK to tell kids that there are patterns that […]

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Helping Grieve the Lost Events of Spring 2020

Graduations, proms, musicals, concerts, senior recitals, birthday parties… the list goes on. There has already been a long list of postponed or cancelled events, and it will likely grow longer. There are even things that might seem minor, but have still been suddenly changed without the chance for proper closure. My daughter is grieving that […]

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Responding to Parent Social Media Concerns

I have recently been asked about the following article from by multiple parents: “I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned.” Parents have asked about my opinion of child social media use in light of this article, and generally how concerned they should be. […]

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48 Hours with a Tablet: Lessons Learned

My family did some traveling for Thanksgiving, and we typically use a portable DVD player to keep our 6 and 3-year-old daughters content during longer trips. Before the trip, I took the girls to the library and saw they have tablets with various educational games to check-out. So, thinking that this would be a better […]

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