How to Talk About Social Media

I have regular conversations with parents about how to discuss various topics, and social media and electronics are two of the most common. We all know we should be talking about these things, but sometimes the conversation focuses on time limits, privileges, consequences, and parental concerns. This focus can lead your pre-teen or teen to […]

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Perspective Taking for Problem Solving

It’s hard to understand how a 5 year old can feel stressed or why a teen can be so upset about the breakup of a month long relationship. Sometimes we wonder why it’s so hard for a teacher to understand that your child is trying to start his work, but he needs a few seconds […]

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Reclaiming Masculinity to Build Emotional Intelligence

As we approach Valentine’s Day, I want to encourage intentionality with respect to how we teach and model masculinity to the younger generation of men.  Masculinity continues to be associated with traits like toughness, independence, stoicism, and control. Unfortunately, these traits are also defined in a way that leads to disconnection from others, coercive power, […]

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Things I Want to Break Up with in 2019

We have lots of relationships, mostly with people. But we also have relationships with things, habits, thoughts, and emotions. Like all relationships, they can have varying levels of health. I like to believe I have a healthier relationship with my self-esteem than I did in high school. I am better at not basing my self-esteem […]

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What Being Gifted Can Mean

Many parents will tell me that it “really doesn’t matter” if their child is gifted or not. I get what they’re telling me – they love their child regardless of their child’s IQ score. But understanding what being gifted can mean really does matter. Understanding the social and emotional aspects of giftedness helps smooth out […]

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To the Parent Not in the Room

I work with children; therefore I also work with parents. Often, because of the realities of work schedules and managing multiple responsibilities in a family, only one parent comes to a session at a time. And that’s ok, but for those parents not in the room, I want you to understand the many ways in […]

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