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“Remember when…” A Helpful Way to be Mindful of How Your Child Experiences a Moment
In a moment of conflict, frustration, or exhaustion, we can easily lose sight of the impact our words and actions have on our kids. We may be flooded with our own emotions and needs, such that we are not pausing to consider what is happening inside our child. We may be very aware of […]

Mindfully Communicating with Teachers
As the new school year gets into full swing, you likely have had opportunities to meet new teachers, classroom aides, intervention specialists, and other staff that may be helping your child. If you haven’t, then the opportunity is probably not far away. Teachers and school staff play a vital role in the day-to-day experience of […]

When to Worry: Balance, Patterns, and Progress
The books I have found to be among the most useful as both a child psychologist and a parent are a series of books by a developmental psychologist, Louise Bates Ames, and a pediatrician, Frances L. Ilg. Each book highlights the stages that typical children progress through fairly predictably. The authors are careful to remind […]

Preparing for the Emotional Transition to School
The time has come to think ahead to the new school year. My clients have already started rolling their eyes when I say we need to think ahead to the school transition, and I’m sure you get a similar response. Some of your kids may be excited about getting back to school, while others are […]

Another Reason to Get the Kids Outside: Vitamin D and Depression
Many of you already emphasize time outside for your kids, and we know the many physical, social, and emotional benefits of outdoor play for children and adolescents. If you find yourself worn down by requests for more time on electronics or complaints about the temperature, let me offer one more reason to stay strong and […]

4 Tips for Raising a Reader
School aged children are encouraged (and sometimes required) to complete summer reading. Many bookstores, schools, restaurants, and even sports teams have developed incentive programs to keep kids reading during the summer. For kids who love to read, these programs are often just icing on the cake – a goal to be achieved. The reading would […]

Parenting with a Growth Mindset
In the last few years there has been increased buzz in education about growth vs fixed mindset. Carol Dweck, a psychologist, has led the research into the impact of one’s mindset on performance and achievement. She identified two types of mindsets: growth mindset and fixed mindset. Dr. Dweck identified that individuals with a growth mindset […]

Using Your Village: Parents Benefit from Connecting with Other Parents
I spent the Memorial Day weekend in a house with four families- eight adults and eleven children ages 1-9. There was chaos, laughter, tears, triumph and defeat, and less sleep than usual. But we were with our village, our tribe, and it was beautiful. Summertime can bring many great opportunities and events, but it also […]

Connect First: Parenting Reminders As You Prepare For Summer
Connection is important for all of us, especially for children who are still developing in many ways. Research continues to show us the multi-dimensional benefits of interpersonal connection, including learning self-regulation skills. It is important for us to connect in two directions: towards ourselves and away from ourselves. Connecting within helps us to be aware […]

Supporting the Autism Community During Autism Awareness Month
April is World Autism Awareness Month, with April 2nd being World Autism Awareness Day. Individuals with autism, their parents, and their teachers are “aware” of autism every day. Let’s use this month to encourage not only awareness, but also understanding, support, and celebration of all that makes the neurodivergent members of our community unique. Here […]