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School Refusal: A Multi-Dimensional Approach for a Multi-Dimensional Problem
When children repeatedly refuse to go to school there can be a variety of causes and ripple effects for the individual and family. Resolving school refusal is not as simple as “just get them in the building,” and interventions should involve multiple groups of people working together. School refusal can stem from anxiety about separating […]

Time to Seek Help? A Parent’s Guide For Knowing When To Make the Call
When parents have a concern about their child’s mood, behavior, or school performance, they often ask themselves some version of, “should I actually worry or is this just a normal phase?” They try to figure out, “is it bad enough to actually talk with someone, or do we just wait and see?” If you find […]

Parenting an Anxious Child
Fight, flight or freeze. Those are the typical responses to anxiety that most people have. When your child feels anxious, you may notice that your normally very rational child seems to become possessed, yelling and screaming and acting hysterical. Other children seem to dig in their heels and just not move. In general, children who […]

Talking About Your Child’s Differences
As parents of young children, we get excited about the milestones our little one’s hit. We brag about their giggles, their words, their steps. We feel proud when our child is moving along as expected. On the other hand, we can feel hesitant, scared, even overwhelmingly anxious, to talk about a difference or delay in […]

Group Therapy: Insights From Within
Group therapy provides a unique opportunity for participants to connect with other people who are experiencing something similar. This affords participants the chance to develop empathy, to receive and give support, and to feel less alone in areas of struggle. Yet, group therapy can also be anxiety provoking. The risk of being known more fully […]

Getting Good at Making Mistakes: Developing a Growth Mindset
Some people will do anything to avoid making a mistake. They may decide not to embrace a challenge, for fear of failing or making a mistake, or they may spend tons of time and energy working towards a perfect product. Often times, these people are described as “perfectionists” and many of them experience a significant […]

Mindful Parenting
Being a psychologist who works with kids, people assume that I am an expert at parenting. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. I have my own weaknesses, and parenting is really hard sometimes. One of the biggest lessons I have tried to apply to my parenting is something that use regularly when working to improve emotion […]

Should Mental Health Challenges Be A Secret? Talking To Siblings When A Brother Or Sister Is Struggling
Children and adults often struggle with whether to inform other people about their mental health. Many people want to keep their mental health struggles a secret from other family members, even when those family members are being affected by these difficulties and may suspect a problem. They fear stigma, disconnection, and shame. Yet, many people […]

The Name Game: Building the Response-to-Name Skill
Inconsistent or lack of response to his/her name is a significant red flag for autism that can be identified early. In the absence of a hearing difficulty, response to one’s name is expected to develop around 6-9 months of age. We want to encourage this skill for a child with autism as it is a […]

Summertime Freedoms: How Much to Give and When to Give It
Researchers are beginning to look at the ways young children spend their time and how it relates to the development of executive functioning skills such as time management and problem solving. Some early findings suggest that children who spend more time in less structured activities display better self-directed control. Summertime seems to be a great […]